Honeywell Design Systems

Building a design system for the SaaS APM mobile app

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What was the starting point?

Interface Inventory

Global - With more than 4k employees building products, we needed a scalable system that will cater to different portfolio products.

Adaptive - The organization catered to different verticals such as warehouse, industrial plants etc and we had to ensure flexibility while developing these componetns.

A quick 1-min overview

Why was it done?

How success could be measured?

This process pointed out all the discrepancies across multiple mobile products. All these products have been using different versions or old design systems, hence creating inconsistencies. I also noted down the personas, framework that these apps were using.

No Design System = Disconnected User Experience

Every mobile app has different way of showing terms and conditions, with a totally

different design language.

The login pages had different logos and also the usage of ios HUI library was misinterpreted and used incorrectly.

How did I approach it?

And, what are users saying?

I had to perform certain activities that would guide me to take the right direction.This really helped me to understand the existing design language and the market practices.

Currently, there is no established design system and we want to understand how designers work with little or no design system for Mobile and identify pain points and inconsistencies.

I Interviewed designers, Product Managers and their experience working with developers.


26 years

User Experience Designer.



A session was held to prioritize elements that align with the collaborative efforts of both the business and design teams,We employed a combination of Brad Frost's "Interface Inventory" to identify and classify essential products and key individuals for inclusion.

Taking these factors into consideration at a very early stage, helped our team to partner the best with development team and refer

guidelines to enhance the user experience according to the framework..

Component Prioritization

Frequently used

Pick out components that are used the most often, study their behaviour and usage.

Since mobile apps cover such a large variety of use cases and different industries.

Widely Used

Mobile Specific

Build guidelines around the usage of component and figure out the feasibility of standardizing the component structure.

APM Building apps visual analysis

Material Design, HUI review

User research

UX Strategy

Identifying use cases

Now, Creating the vision

Setting the Guiding


To frame our new direction, we handpicked a set of guiding design principles. These principles would unite all designers while serving as key criteria to measure our work against.

So, what are the components

that I worked on?

But, let’s dive into one


Bottom Sheet

The variants that I identified

Component Architecture and Variants

Accessibility compliance

Hi, I’m a chip

Hi, I’m a chip


Look and feel like we’re
making the future


Put the user in control and anticipate their needs


Make it comfortable
for everyone

Bottom Sheet




Defining the problem

Designers reinventing the wheel

UI Consistency and increased user trust in our digital product.

Reduced time consumption and make collaboration more efficient between the teams.

Engineers going rogue

A robust design system



UX Design, and Design System

2 new components

230+ variants in total


Error message displayed here.

Spends most time on figuring out/tweaking

components designed only for iOS

Reaches out to the Design system team everytime

Expects guidelines on when to use what




Close icon



Content Section

Gives user alternate method to close

Sets the context for the user

Shows the steps for next actions/to apply

the selected options

Lets user to interact with different sections/

components that may/may not be nested.

It is commonly used to contain supplementary content that is relevant to the primary content on the main screen.

After a careful visual analysis , I was able to identify the challenges


When do we use Bottom sheet? and when do we use sort option, dropdown?


Should we construct bs based on screen size or content?


Do we design different versions for iOS and Android?

Fixed bottom sheet

Fixed bottom sheet is not resizable by the user and auto-sizes to fit the content.

Resizable bottom sheet

lets the user to resize by drag/swipe up.

Resizable bottom sheet (Scrollable)

To tackle these challenges, we engaged in ongoing reviews with the team to collectively make design decisions and ensure alignment on details. Biweekly meetings were held to showcase the progress to the entire global design system team, fostering discussions about the direction and advancement of the work. These approaches proved effective in bridging the gap.

The detailed breakdown helps the designers to quickly see all the variants and analyze if it matches the needs. The documentation has directions on the usage and the guidelines around it.

Each component that were designed was checked for accessibility compliance. I constantly referred the WCAG AA accessibility standards to make sure the designs are meeting them.


It is crucial to design for all the use cases making sure that the content

will be visible even on smaller devices. It should also support users who

are using larger font size on their device, it might then get difficult for

them to get the complete view.

Touch Target

The top 48dp portion of the bottom sheet is interactive when user-initiated resizing is available and the drag handle is present.










Faster design to market time

Single source of truth & a set of reusable components and patterns

Mobile specific guidelines

Efficient team processes

Faster design cycle

Less design system support

Time to deliver

No of code changes

Enhanced user experience

Fewer UI bugs

DS adoption

Time to completion

WCAG compliant

Used across products

So, what’s our strategy forward?

Target Users and devices

Honeywell Forge product has different types of employees using it, and for different JTBD.

UI Development

Should we follow adaptive or responsive design?


Considering the time to load.

Development Effort level

Which framework will suit the best for Honeywell Forge
